BICO Drilling Tools
Drilling motors from BICO Drilling Tools Inc. can be utilized in a large variety of applications: From directional and horizontal drilling to Thru Tubing applications. BICO Drilling Tools Inc. stands for longer lasting, highly resistant and more powerful drilling motors. BICO´s leading edge technology in the drilling motor industry perfectly matches their customers’ needs.
BICO’s new “SpiroStar” Stator provides unparalleled strength as a result of our unique uniform rubber thickness. This revolutionary design doubles the power while virtually eliminating hysteresis. Traditionally, hysteresis has been the predominant mechanism of failure for shortening the life of mud motors. The unique “SpiroStar” Stator experiences less swelling due to temperature and mud chemistry thus permitting it to be run in tougher applications than traditional tools. SpiroStar’s ability to withstand higher temperatures will continue to push the performance envelope and redefine where positive displacement motors can be run. Strength, durability and increased power output make “SpiroStar” Stators the smart choice for optimum performance in today’s ever-changing and harsher environments.
Knust-SBD Pte Ltd (Singapore) supports the BICO Drilling Tools “Spirostar” Thru Tubing Motor portfolio from Singapore and offers both new motors and spare parts ex stock Singapore.